Attended VTC2012-Fall to give a tutorial about Energy-efficient communications.

I attended VTC-2012-Fall in Quebec, CA early this September. The main purpose was to present a half-day tutorial on “Cross-Layer Design for Spectrum- and Energy-Efficient Wireless Networks”. There were in total seven tutorials, covering channel modeling, cooperative communications, cognitive radio, network performance analysis, and energy-efficient networks. Our tutorial was given on the afternoon of Mon, Sep 3. It was a joint work with Jens and unfortunately he couldn’t make the trip.

In general, compared to ICC/Globceom, VTC is a much smaller conference. However the tutorial was very successful and there were still around 30 audience all together. This tutorial mainly discussed traditional spectral efficiency and newer energy efficiency enhancement technologies and their relationships for both individual- and multi-user cellular networks. More information about this tutorial can be found here:

(Email me if you’re interested in the slides. )

Since I needed to give a lecture on Sep 5, I flied back immediately after the tutorial and didn’t have many chances talking to others. But still I met some people. For example, I met Prof. Gordon Stuber of Gatech and he still missed the last time he was invited to our lab as an opponent in 1994 or 6. He felt like defending the thesis himself as an opponent, but he would be very glad if he is invited again.

Regarding the conferences, there were many programs related to future 5G and green networks. For example Rappaport talked about usage of 30 to 300 GHz bands. There were also panel discussions about  green wireless networks, massive MIMO, HetNet, etc. There were three technical sessions about energy-efficient designs and one workshop on green information and communications. Otherwise, it’s more about traditional technologies like MIMO, OFDM, power control, 802.11, etc.

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