TV white spaces (finally) open in Korea

TV white spaces (TVWS) refer to geographcially unused TV broadcasting frequency channels. Its potential for wilreless communications usage has emerged as a hot topic to the spectrum regulators and industry players worldwide. Digital TV broadcasting

employes 470-790 MHz (for the case of Europe), and its favourable propagation characteristics has attracted has attracted the wireless community.

FCC in the USA and Ofcom in the UK are at the forefront of the regulatory reform to allow communication devices (a.k.a. secondary users) to access the TVWS. They are at the same time the pioneers of technical framework to protect TV receivers from the harmful interference the secondary users may cause.

Korea has been famous for the fast adoption and commercialization of new technologies, and it doesn’t seem that TVWS is an exception. Korea is now among the first countries to open up the TVWS with the confirmation of the plan announced on 26th December 2011. According to Korea Communications Commision (KCC), they plan to commense a nationwide commercial service in 2013. Promising service types will be discussed and decided this year.Rich Text AreaToolbarBold (Ctrl + B)Italic (Ctrl + I)Strikethrough (Alt + Shift + D)Unordered list (Alt + Shift + U)Ordered list (Alt + Shift + O)Blockquote (Alt + Shift + Q)Align Left (Alt + Shift + L)Align Center (Alt + Shift + C)Align Right (Alt + Shift + R)Insert/edit link (Alt + Shift + A)Unlink (Alt + Shift + S)Insert More Tag (Alt + Shift + T)Toggle spellchecker (Alt + Shift + N)▼
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TV white spaces (TVWS) refer to geographcially unused TV broadcasting frequency channels. Its potential for wilreless communications usage has emerged as a hot topic to the spectrum regulators and industry players worldwide. Digital TV broadcasting employes 470-790 MHz (for the case of Europe), and its favourable propagation characteristics has attracted has attracted the wireless community.
FCC in the USA and Ofcom in the UK are at the forefront of the regulatory reform to allow communication devices (a.k.a. secondary users) to access the TVWS. They are at the same time the pioneers of technical framework to protect TV receivers from the harmful interference the secondary users may cause.
Korea has been famous for the fast adoption and commercialization of new technologies, and it doesn’t seem that TVWS is

an exception. Korea is now among the first countries to open up the TVWS with the confirmation of the plan announced on 26th December 2011. According to Korea Communications Commision (KCC), they plan to commense a nationwide commercial service in 2013. Promising service types will be discussed and decided this year.

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2 Responses to TV white spaces (finally) open in Korea

  1. Peter_in_stockholm_82 says:

    Will a database approach also be used in Korea, or is spectrum sensing still a possibility?

    I understand that the usage of white spaces by unlicensed (i.e. secondary) users makes sense when the same frequency band is available at some locations of the country but still occupied (e.g. by analog TV) in other locations. However, if the same frequency range is available all over the country, why not just auction this spectrum?

  2. Ki Won Sung says:

    Hi Peter,

    Basically, a frequency planning (much larger scale than cellular system) is applied to the digital TV broadcasting specturm. So, what you said (the same frequency band is available at some locations of the country but still occupied in other locations) happens in the digital TV band.

    Database approach will be employed first in Korea. KCC plans to adopt sensing-based technologies in 2015 if there is anything proven useful by 2014.

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