Spectrum Sharing: What do operators think?

Spectrum sharing

Despite the effort that has been put in technical research and economic analysis on the benefit that can be obtain through spectrum sharing between operators, it is yet not enough for them to agree on sharing this valuable resource with the competitors.

During a panel session at the event CTIA 2011 in the USA, this topic was debated and operators expressed their opinions and concerns regarding this. They argued that “it may be technically feasible to share spectrum among carriers, but it is a difficult thing to do as a business strategy”.

The lack of business strategies that protect their profitability and the level of complexity introduced with spectrum sharing models are the main reasons that keep operators skeptical to change old paradigms.

Read more details: Operators Debate Spectrum Sharing

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2 Responses to Spectrum Sharing: What do operators think?

  1. Claes Beckman says:

    Maybe the US Operators should look at the examples set by SUNAB and Net4Mobility? Sharing spectrum while competing has not been an issue for either of these two joint ventures!

  2. Jens Zander says:

    Maybe they should read Jan Markendahl thesis nMobile Network Operators and Cooperationnkth.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:389689/FULLTEXT01nnUsually everyone agrees that there a cost savings to be found be sharing. However, there is a sincere uncertainty about the “strategic cost” of sharing, i.e. how can an operator distinguish its services from the partner if they share the same network. In particular if one operator thinks he has a better network to start with he would need significant gains to let the other partner (he thinks has an inferior offering) in on a cooperation. I guess its a similar problem as in the airline business. Here the towering alternative costs of running certain routes in competition have obviously outweighed the “strategic losses”.

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